Fetzy is Riders Representative at the IWWF
30.Sept. 2011
At the EM in Belgrad I got elected by the riders to be the official rider’s representative in the E&A Cable Wakeboard council.
This means that I am part of the Council and have full voting rights. I have to
join loads of skype meetings and two pyhsical meetings per year ,one on EA (Europe, Afrika, Middle East) Level and one on World Level.
At these meetings, many different issues are discussed, decided and planed like:
– Events (where and how to take place and how to improve)
– Ranking system, scoring, rider of the year, prize money splits…
– Rules, duties, registration fees, budgets, jobs
– Olympic plan
– Judging clinics, system, improving…
– PR, hompage,…
It is very interesting to see behind the scenes and its amazing how much work such a small handful of people are doing. A big respect, consider that they are all volunteering.
My part is, to reflect the view of a rider and represent the riders needs and interests. Everyone is welcome to tell me or write to me his/her ideas to improve IWWF Cable Wakeboarding Events.
I will try my best to be a communication channel between riders and officials.